Deity Information Divine Encounters

In Search of the Roman God Mercurius

I have been working with Mercury also known as Mercurius (the Roman God of Exchange et cetera), since 2008 but have only recently begun to scratch the surface of his personality (let alone his mysteries!). I have encountered him as stately diplomat, knowledgeable teacher, wordsmith, swift-footed divine messenger, animal husbandman, lord of commerce, patron of […]

Ancestor Work

Offerings at St. Louis Cemetery #1

From June 30th through July 5th, I visited New Orleans, LA for the Essence Music Festival. As a part of that trip, I also reveled in the rich spiritual heritage of the city. The highlight of that revelry was a visit on Tuesday morning to St. Louis Cemetery #1 where Marie Laveau, the “Voodoo” Queen […]

Divine Encounters Ritual & Magical Energetics

Energy Play, Spider the Messenger, and Singing for Elegua

On Sunday night, basically two days ago, another witch and I decided to flex our magical muscles and engage in some energy exercises. We created an energy orb and experimented with various ways to power it and also a few different ways to give it instructions. As usual, I had moderate visual sensory input from […]

Deity Information

Orisha Elegua’s Sweet Tooth

So, random comment: A while back I posted about offerings for Elegua, Oya, and my ancestors. My intuition (or Elegua himself) kicked in and said he would like a dark liquor like rum, paired with some sort of candy. Well, I just bothered to research rum today, because I was curious about what it’s made […]

Ancestor Work Deity Information

An Offering for the Ancestors

Here’s a picture of last week’s Ancestor altar containing a few simple offerings to Elegua, the Opener of the Way (even to the Egun), to Oya, the One at the Cemetery Gate, and to my Ancestors. As mentioned in a previous post, I did some cleromancy to see what my Ancestors wanted for offerings, but […]