Ancestor Work Divine Encounters Labyrinth Service Spirit Work

Signs, Omens, & Necessary Change

It feels wild and hard to believe, but I have been on a mystical and magical path for the last 22 years as of this month. In that time, I have learned a lot about myself, about people in general, and about the shape and contour of the Otherworlds. The call of the spirit world […]

Ancestor Work Divine Encounters Labyrinth Service Spirit Work

Spiritual Services at Star Road

Deity Information Divine Encounters Labyrinth

For Hekate

Hekate, Titan and Queen, Goddess of the moon’s ancient magic, Keeper of the haunted celestial palace of daemons shaping the destinies of mortals, Bearer of the holy lantern shining pale light into the yawning dark, Guide and guardian of black night’s liminal rites and chthonic secrets, To you I give due honor and reverence.

Ancestor Work Animal Wisdom Deity Information Divine Encounters Herbcraft Labyrinth Ritual & Magical Energetics Runes Service Spirit Work

Introducing Star Road Spiritual Healing

I am overjoyed to announce the launch of Star Road Spiritual Healing, a constellation of sacred spiritual services that has been forming in my heart for a long time now. I invite you to visit my new website today to learn more at!

Deity Information Divine Encounters

The Weavers’ Wyrd Wonders

Mightily wove they | the web of fate, While Bralund’s towns | were trembling all; And there the golden | threads they wove, And in the moon’s hall | fast they made them. ~ Poetic Edda, Helgakvitha Hjorvarthssonar I, Verse 3 Weaving has been an integral part of human civilization for millennia. Though I’ve known […]