Spirit Work

Oleum of Yggdrasil from Forest Grove Botanica

Several weeks ago the Oleum of Yggdrasil arrived from Forest Grove Botanica! Thus far, I have used the oil twice as a part of my preparation and anointing before a personal divination session. Both times, I used it to trace either the Elhaz or the Eihwaz rune onto my brow. I also put a dab […]

Runes Spirit Work

A Stave of Ironwood

Finally…finally a staff has come to me, a stave of Ironwood wrestled from the etins of Fox Ridge. Unfortunately, I was not dressed for wrestling etins on the damp Saturday afternoon in late April when we went seeking (bad planning on my part, I know!) but Cindy was indeed clothed for the mighty work at […]

Runes Spirit Work

Winter Solstice 2010: Riding With The Wild Hunt

Well, clearly I am exceedingly late in writing this post. I made my ride with the Hunt (as proposed in “Joining the Wild Hunt“) over four months ago. What took me so long? In short, it was a profound experience and I wanted to make sure that I could convey as clearly and accurately as […]