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Introducing Star Road Spiritual Healing

I am overjoyed to announce the launch of Star Road Spiritual Healing, a constellation of sacred spiritual services that has been forming in my heart for a long time now. I invite you to visit my new website today to learn more at!

Divine Encounters Labyrinth Service Spirit Work

Of Gods and Rivers

I identify as a devotional polytheist and spirit worker, among other things. I tend to view the gods, spirits, and other Holy Powers as distinct beings with unique personalities. This has been true for me for some time and remains true today. However, as my practice grows and changes, I’m starting to understand the common […]

Divine Encounters Spirit Work

Astral Appointments with Gods and Spirits

Astral travel as I see it is the process of projecting one’s consciousness out into realms and worlds far from, adjacent to, and/or overlaid upon this one (readily accessible, easily acknowledged, consensus reality). In my own practice, I most often refer to astral travel as journeying or faring forth. When I plan to fare forth […]

Divine Encounters Labyrinth Spirit Work

Greeting Odin Among the Stars

Many moons ago I met Odin among the stars. We sat at a large campfire set upon a great comet sailing through space near Earth. Sitting to Odin’s left, I stared into the fire then into his eye and confessed. At that time I felt lost but I was ready to find my way again. He […]

Ritual & Magical Energetics Service

Altar from Til Árs ok Friðr: A Freyr Harvest Blot

On August 4th the Catskin Sisters gathered for peace and plenty (the meaning of Til Árs ok Friðr). Here are a few words from the ritual that I facilitated on that day in honor of Freyr. We followed the blot with a nourishing and delicious potluck feast! God of Fruitful Seasons, you whose harvest sustains […]