Deity Information Divine Encounters

Mercury’s Back and Moving Forward

During this month’s retrograde period, Mercury called me to reestablish his altar in my home. I had been acknowledging his presence in my life as usual, but without the benefit of his altar. When I moved from Illinois to Missouri, I transitioned into a smaller apartment which meant less real estate for the Holy Powers. […]

Astrology Deity Information Divine Encounters

Liberator Calling, Maenad Rising

I don’t really know how to write about my recent experiences with the God who slowly revealed himself to me as Dionysos between the months of March and April. He slithered into my life on the heals of the psychological and emotional upheaval catalyzed by my doctoral program. Dionysos’ theophany (of sorts) culminated on April […]


The World Ablaze: Mercury’s At It Again

So, good old dependable Mercury is at it again. The storm period – when Mercury appears to slow down his movement across the sky – began on March 17th, according to Astrogrrl. Apparently, the storm period alone is enough celestial upheaval to throw life on planet Earth into chaos. Oh, did I mention, Mercury is […]

Ritual & Magical Energetics

Day of Mercurius: A Ritual in His Honor

On Saturday, March 19th, while the planet Mercury was in its storm period but before it fully entered its retrograde period in Aries, I led a ritual in honor of Mercurius, one of the deities closest to my heart. The entire ritual was in fulfillment of a vow that I made to Mercurius after He […]


Yet Another Mercury Moment

I often feel the ebbs and flows, pushes and pulls of Mercury’s (the God) energy and influence through the movement of his corporeal emissary, Mercury (the planet). When it does its dance in the heavens, some part of my awareness perks up and wonders how it can join the celestial party. A portion of my […]