Deity Information Divine Encounters Labyrinth Ritual & Magical Energetics

Wayfaring Woman: Honoring Hekate in the Rite of Her Sacred Fires

I have updated my Wayfaring Woman column at The Agora on Check out my latest post, Honoring Hekate in the Rite of Her Sacred Fires!


The Jotnar: Primordial Powers at the Edge of Forever

In Norse cosmology and lore the Jotnar are typically envisioned as a motley race of powerful nature and elemental forces who stand in opposition to humanity and the gods, especially the Aesir clan of holy powers. Most people, especially those who consider themselves True to the Aesir clan of gods, cast the Jotun folk as devils […]

Deity Information Divine Encounters

On Working with Hekate: Keepin’ It Movin’

As I work to deepen my connection with and understanding of Hekate, it becomes increasingly apparent to me that she is a goddess of the grind, the unrelenting force that compels us onward. In essence, she keeps it movin’. For those who resist change, who refuse to let go, this can make her a merciless […]

Divine Encounters

Major Changes Are Brewing.

Do you ever get the feeling that major transitions are on the horizon? That you may wake up one morning and the world will look the same but (underneath the magickal glamor designed to deceive you) actually be different? That was what Monday, April 4th felt like. It was the day after the New Moon, […]