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Introducing Star Road Spiritual Healing

I am overjoyed to announce the launch of Star Road Spiritual Healing, a constellation of sacred spiritual services that has been forming in my heart for a long time now. I invite you to visit my new website today to learn more at!

Runes Spirit Work

Vardlokkur: Song of Seidhr

A vardlokkur is a type of song linked to the practice of seidhr, as cited in the Saga of Erik the Red. These “ward songs” prepared the völva (literally “staff carrier”, meaning something akin to seeress or prophetess) for trance and called the spirits to her for prophesying. I’ve been exposed to a couple of […]

Runes Spirit Work

Winter Solstice 2010: Riding With The Wild Hunt

Well, clearly I am exceedingly late in writing this post. I made my ride with the Hunt (as proposed in “Joining the Wild Hunt“) over four months ago. What took me so long? In short, it was a profound experience and I wanted to make sure that I could convey as clearly and accurately as […]